The University of California System
For all students, the SAT and ACT will be “test-optional” in the admissions process until 2022. Students who don’t submit a test score won’t be penalized.
For the 2023 and 2024 school years, the UC will not consider test scores from California students for admissions purposes.
California students can still submit test scores to become eligible through the “statewide guarantee admissions,” which combines high school grades and test scores to give students a spot in any campus that has space if the student is in the top nine percent of applicants.
Students can submit their test scores for certain scholarships and placement in courses.
Out-of-state students will be governed by the “test-optional” rules until 2024.
The essay and writing portions of the SAT and ACT requirements are dropped beginning next year (2021)
Non-resident students may still have to take the SAT or ACT in 2025 and beyond. They may also be able to take UC-designed test if it’s ready in time. The rules for non-resident students, who make up nearly 20 percent of undergraduates, are an open question.